Wednesday, June 22, 2011

This is Vancouver

This is the real Vancouver . The Vancouver that we all love. This is Vancouver at its best. When we all come together for good. A week ago today you all saw the worst of our city. You saw those images of our city burning smeared all over your televisions and your newspapers. But that isn't Vancouver at all. In a way I am glad we lost game 7. I know you might all think I am crazy for saying that, but I don't think we were ready to win the Stanley Cup and we showed that to the world. Because after the fires were put out and the smoke cleared we showed everyone what Vancouver really is.

What makes Vancouver so great isn't the worlds best skyline. It's not Stanley Park, or the North Shore mountains. It's not the ocean and the many beaches that line it, nor is it the abundance of outdoor activities we have in our backyard. It's the people that make this city the greatest city in the world. Out of the ashes rises the phoenix. And we all rose up together to take back our beloved city and show everyone what we are really about. We our a diverse city made up of people and cultures stretching from every corner of the globe who all take pride in our city. Without every single one of us Vancouver wouldn't be Vancouver. When the city is hurt and needs us we all put are differences aside and come together to rescue her. Of course we aren't perfect, we showed you all that, but what city is? It doesn't matter if you are from strathcona, the downtown east side or shaughnessy the one thing we all have in common is that we love our city. So don't let the actions of that night determine how you see our city. Instead let the actions of the next day speak to what our city is. And if you still aren't convinced then come for yourself and we will show you that this is the greatest place on earth.

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