Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Space Shuttle

 So my new thing is that I want a space shuttle. This is the space shuttle Endeavor during its very last mission. It is kind of sad for me to see the space shuttles get retired. I grew up watching them fly their missions into space. I watched all their triumphs and all their disasters. I can still remember watching Challenger explode on lift off and when Columbia disintegrated on re-entry.

The remaining shuttles will be sent to different museums around the United States and I am sure that I will go visit one of them at some point. But I want to own my very own. Just like how my best friend wants to own a aircraft carrier I want to own a space shuttle. I don't think it's that big of a deal. I want it so why can't I have one. I want to fly it to the moon with you and the two of us will have a tea date on the moons surface. We will leave a Canadian flag, Wales flag and of course a Canucks flag behind so when people look at the moon through their telescopes they will know we were there. We will return home with moon rocks to add to our collections of rocks that we steal from all the places we go too. And when we get back to earth we will land on your aircraft carrier. I hope you don't mind if i park it there when I'm not using it.

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