Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Today I feel broken. Like I have fallen apart and am scattered all around like hundreds of jagged shards of glass. To broken to be put back together I lay on the floor waiting to be swept up and discarded. A big mess and a big burden that nobody wants to deal with. I get kicked around and stepped on as people walk past. For the most part I go unnoticed as people carry on with their lives all around me. Once and awhile someone will stop and look down as they hear the faint noise I make as they step over me. But their pause is only momentary as their lives are too busy to stop and deal with me.  As the more people walk by I get spread farther and farther away. My pieces get kicked around or stuck to the bottom of shoes and carried away. Never to be seen again. It's too late now those pieces are lost forever and I can never be put back together properly. If anyone stops to take the time and put the effort in they will only end up disappointed as they realize I'm not all there anymore. I was once something beautiful and something useful. Something that somebody had put great effort into creating. Shaping and moulding me into what they needed and what they wanted. I stood tall and proud once, people stopped and took notice of me. But that time is gone now. This is what's left of me.  Eventually some step on me and get hurt. I will slice them open and their blood will stain me red and finally I will be swept up and discarded. Forgotten forever.

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