Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Water, it is the life force of our planet. The one thing that all living creatures have in common. We all need water to life. But only humans take water for granted. Why is that? Is it because we look at pictures of the earth and see the overwhelming amounts of it. Water covers 70.9% of the earths surface. Yet only 1% of this water is drinkable.

Humans exploit water. We use it for every aspect of our lives. Not only to drink and cook with but for everything. We use it to clean ourselves, our houses, our cars, our clothes and anything else we think is dirty. We use it to warm our houses or to chill our food. I bet most people don't even know that their fridges need water to work. We use water to create electricity to power our lives. Not only with hydro electric dams but also with nuclear, coal and gas burning plants. It's steam that spins the turbines. We use it in the manufacturing of almost all goods on earth. We also use it to transport those goods around the world. It's not something we every really think about. How much we depend on water to survive. Not just directly but also in an indirectly way. Think of all the people on earth that use water to make a living. From plumbers to fisherman. Water provides us with an abundance of food to eat. Think of how much food we harvest from the oceans each year. But the oceans provide us with much more than food. There is one more essential thing humans need to live oxygen. And 75% of the world oxygen is produced by the algae living in our oceans.

The human body is made up of about 60% water. Water that needs to be replenished on a daily basis. I am lucky enough to live in a part of the world that has the best drinking water on earth. All I need to do is turn on the tap and I have an endless supply of fresh clean drinking water. This is the case for the majority of the first world. It is something we don't even think about. But we have become accustomed to the convenience of bottled water. North America alone drinks around 34 billion liters of bottled water a year. That sends 30 million plastic water bottles to the landfills a year. All that waste created all because we are too lazy to turn on our taps. 884 million people lack access to safe water, yet us who do waste so much water every day. The ancient Romans had better water quality than half the people alive today. Meanwhile we keep buying our bottled water. These companies give us all these claims as to why we should drink their water. They pay celebrities millions of dollars to promote their water. Some even give 5 cents a bottle to help build wells in third world countries. But it isn't enough. EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO CLEAN AND ACCESSIBLE WATER.  So why can't we make that happen?

We need to start respecting water more. It is one of the most powerful forces on earth. Just as it brings life to us all it can take it away just as easily. We need to start learning from the past. Water has destroyed some of the great civilizations in our history.  Completely wiped them from the face of the earth. Barely leaving any trace of their existence. The many tsunami's of the past few years have shown us that we haven't learnt much. Still we leave ourselves vulnerable to the mercy of the oceans. It sweeps in and takes lives at will. Destroying everything in its path. We have the know how and the technology. Not to defeat water but to live in harmony with it.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Lake Titicaca

It was a unconventional morning to say the least, but it was a morning to remember. It was pitch black and there was an eerie silence in the bakery. It was a nice change to the fast paced and hectic life we are accustomed to at work. I enjoyed just getting to spend some time with you without the distractions of work.  I needed today. I needed the break from the monotonous routine that plays over and over again each morning. 

It was just a great couple of hours all around. Jello shots, Double Quarter Pounders with cheese and cones. The breakfast of champions. Our heart to heart on the flour bags. Playing cards at McDonalds and just having a good chat. I claimed my first two victories ever at speed and you taught me how to play Egyptian war. I should have listened to you when you told me not to answer my phone. Snap back to reality. Power is on and it's time to work. I could have stayed there with you all day. Oh well  it was fun while it lasted. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Space Station

I wish I was up there right now. Looking down on earth. It must give you a whole different perspective on the world. You would almost have an omniscient view of the planet. Looking down at all the countries from above. Seeing the lights of all the big cities lighting up the land below. To see the deep blue of the oceans and how they stretch around the world. To look down at the storms sweeping over those oceans. I wonder what the tsunami looked like from up here. You wouldn't even know the severity of it from here. I bet it just looked like a tiny ripple in the water. Like a wave in a puddle. You would have no idea that thousands of people were being killed in an instance. Washed away from existence. You must have a sense of safety up here. Knowing that all the troubles of the world below can not reach you way up here. Safe from wars, dictators, diseases and disasters. I wonder if you start to get an arrogance about yourself. Looking down at billions of people struggling through there daily life must make you feel superior to them. The laws of the earth don't apply to you when you are up there. Or maybe you just get a sense of helplessness knowing that there is nothing you can do for all below you. You are stuck there watching as millions of people die every day. As the world turns bringing a new day and a new night. Life goes on without you. Maybe you begin to feel left out, lost and lonely. Maybe the world has forgotten about you. Cast you away from earth. Stranded in the vast nothingness of space. So distant from us yet still so dependent on us. Will we ever bring you home?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bishop Rock

There it sits. 167 feet above sea level. On the worlds smallest island in the middle the chaotic Atlantic ocean. So remote that you can only access it via helicopter. I wish I had found out about this place earlier. I would have put it on my to do list for sure. How I would love to stand atop of this mighty lighthouse and look out to see nothing but the vast ocean. From here it must look limitless. A sea of blue that stretches for miles in every direction. I know as I stood there I would feel a rush of fear come over my body. My fear of heights would for sure kick in. But I would also be over taken by a sense of loneliness. Being stuck on a tiny island miles away from civilization must be scary. But I would also be struck by the beauty of my surroundings. Be calmed by the peacefulness of the ocean and soothed by the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks below.

 Imagine everything that this lighthouse has seen. It has stood there since 1858. 153 years and two world wars. It has seen mighty storms that have slammed giant waves and powerful winds at it. But this granite giant has survived them all. It stands high above the ocean guiding ships as the journey through the treacherous waters of the Atlantic. But not all have made it safely. It has watched helplessly as 42 ships have not heeded his warnings, crashing and sinking to the ocean floor. I wonder how many men and women fighting to stay afloat have looked up to see his powerful light as they took their final breathes.

Only a lucky few have had the privilege to stand atop of this wonder.  I hope to one day add my name to that list.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Mountain

This is my thinking spot. The place where I go when I need to let my mind unwind. The top of Burnaby Mountain. It's my mountain. It's not a great big mountain reaching high into the sky but for me it is just perfect. It shows me exactly what I need to see. I chose this picture because this isn't the view that most people climb this mountain to see. They go to see the view downtown Vancouver and the north shore. I don't blame them the view is magnificent, even majestic. But this is the view that I go for. When I stare out over Indian Arm and look at the coastal mountain range my mind clears of all that is troubling me. All my stress and anxiety melt away just like the snow melting away from these peaks every spring. I watch the boats maneuvering up and down the arm and I hear the faint sound of the train whistles below. I look at the mountains and picture what is on the other side. The vast openness of the Pacific Ocean. Stretching for miles and miles. The beautiful deep blue colour of the water that looks like a sheet of glass when calm and still. Just writing about it makes me miss it and gives me the urge to drive up there to see it again.  You have helped me out so many times. You have helped me release my anger, brought me out of depression. Cheered me up when I have been sad. You have shared in my happiness and my sorrows. You have been my companion when I was lonely. Always making me feel like I belong.


Chocooooooooolate. Doesn't it look so pretty? I have been waiting so long for you. You won't last long. You have been my lunch and will be my dinner and of course I have had a few snacks today as well. Who else can have a big truck pull up to their work at 6am and get handed a big bag of chocolate? (I must throw in the fact that it was free.)  That makes it that much sweeter. Yes sometimes being me has its perks. I know by tonight I am going to be sick from eating so much sugar but who cares it will be worth it.