Monday, October 10, 2011

Banana bread beer

I have a new favourite beer. Banana bread beer. Yes I know at first you are like WTF just like I was but once you try it you fall in love. Bananas are my favourite fruit, they edge out pumpkin just slightly and I love banana bread so this beer is perfect for me. Bananas and beer I still can't quite get my head around it but it works and it is tasty. It's funny that on Thanksgiving I am drinking banana beer instead of pumpkin beer. Oh well I did have both pumpkin pie and pumpkin cake today so I think I've met my quota  of pumpkin for the day. Back to the beer it's a great British beer. I know Canada has a bunch of great breweries but you can't go from with a British beer. I am a quarter British and a quarter Scottish so of course I don't feel bad saying I love a Foreign beer. Maybe I have a little hidden German in me too because I seen to be having my own Oktoberfest ;)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Oshkosh Striker

I want one. It's the Oshkosh Striker Airport Firetruck. It is the biggest firetruck in the world and would be so cool to have. I would just drive around shooting stuff with water. Haha maybe one day.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Pumpkin beer

I love pumpkin, always have and always will. Of course pumpkin pie is my favourite, but I have never come across any pumpkin food that I haven't liked. Now that it is October everyone is releasing their pumpkin products. I am lucky that I am a baker and get my fill of pumpkin scones whenever I want. My other favourites are pumpkin cream cheese muffins from Starbucks and pumpkin crème brûlée from Milestones. But of course being Canadian I love my pumpkin beer. My favourite is Granville Island Brewery's Pumpkin Ale. I wait all year for this beer and it is even better that it comes in a big bottle. There is nothing better than watching playoff baseball with my sister and having few cold bottles of pumpkin ale.

Afternoon tea

I have gotten hooked on tea. I drink it all the time now. I used to think tea just tasted like hot water but as I have aged I have come to enjoy a nice cup of tea. It has to be the English in me. I know my Grandpa would be happy to know I am a tea drinker. I remember when I would go visit him as a child he would always have tea with every meal and every afternoon he would have a cup of tea and toast with jam. Watching him all those years must have rubbed off because I find myself having tea and toast every afternoon. I am defiantly English at heart.