Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Yes I'm a Gleek and I'm not ashamed to admit it. It's funny how I got hooked onto Glee. My mom was really into it and on Tuesday night I cam home just as it was starting. I hadn't seen my mom in a few days and wanted to spend some time with her so I sat down to watch. I was hooked within minutes. And ever since then it has been our weekly time together. Well two seasons in and I am beyond hooked. My iPod is filled with the songs from Glee I have seen the movie three times already and I finally got my own foam hand. Yes I know I am a loser but I don't care!

Cliff Walk & Cleveland Dam

Capilano Suspension Bridge round two. This time I went with my sister and yet again it was another great day. We decided to leave the Cliffwalk for last and headed over the bridge. Of course I was a little shaky crossing the bridge and had a run in with a crazy chick trying to shake the bridge. So not cool but I made it over safely. We walked around the boardwalk and up through the tree top adventure. It was her first time there since they had been built and it inspired the two of us to decided to design playgrounds. I know it's a weird place to decide on a career change but it got us thinking about our childhood and all the playgrounds we use to climb on and all the forts we use to build. Basically we think playgrounds today suck and don't challenge kids physically or mentally. Everything has got to be safe so every ones "precious" kids don't get hurt. Getting hurt is a part of being a kid and growing up. So we want to build playgrounds that do just that. Let kids climb, fall and be creative. So after our inspiring walk through the trees we headed back over the bridge and right as I get to the middle I looked up to see Matt Damon right in front of me. I shook his had and said hello but wasn't going to stay on the bridge to talk to him. Next up it was the Cliffwalk. It had only been two weeks since I had first done it and I was excited to share it with my sister. The two of us are both scared of heights but we realized that our fears differ. For some reason the bridge really freaks me out but my sister is fine on it, but when it comes to the Cliffwalk we are the opposite. She was freaked out yet I was calm. After the Cliffwalk we drove up to the Cleveland Dam. This was my first time up there and as soon as I got out of the car I fell in love with Vancouver all over again. The sheer beauty of the place we call home is breathtaking. As I looked over the edge of the dam I froze with fear. I honestly have to say that I had never been more scared in my life. Something about all the rushing water combined with the height sent terror through my body. But I managed to lean over long enough to get a good look and even snap a picture. It was the perfect day spent with my big sister who I admire and look up to. I love you and can't wait until our next adventure.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

It's Nerf or nothing

I heard a commotion outside today and when I looked out the window I saw a big orange tabby attacking Lily. Lily is no push over and can hold her own but it was clear she was out matched and needed back up. So I grabbed my Nerf gun and ran outside I fired off three darts hitting him with each one and he ran off. It was a good victory. These were the best Christmas presents ever.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Weiner Mobile

I want the Oscar Meyer Weiner Mobile. If I ever see it I am going to steal it and drive around and rob banks in it. Haha that would be awesome everyone would laugh if I pulled up to rob a bank in this that they would probably let me get away with it.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 3

Three days into my ten day odyssey and my sister's cat is driving me crazy. I finally managed to get her to come in the house after a good day and a bit roaming outside. I have no idea what she was up too but she must have found something to eat cause I haven't had to fill her food dish since I have gotten here. She now just had something to eat and has decided that she wants back outside. There is the dilemma I have locked the house up for the night and now she is bouncing of the walls meowing her heart out trying to get me to let her out. I can tell now that this is going to be a restless night for me. I thought cats were supposed to sleep for 20 hours a day. When does this one get tired?

Saturday, August 6, 2011


I have found a new destination to add to the places I want to travel too or see. The Dettifoss waterfalls in Iceland. I stumbled across this photo and knew I had to see these. I have always heard about how beautiful it is in Iceland and have always wanted to go there. Now I have a destination when I get there. Waterfalls are one of those things in nature that always captivate you and take your breath away. This one does it for me more than any other one.

 It is the most powerful waterfall in Europe. They are one hundred meters wide with a forty five meter drop into the Jökulsárgljúfur canyon. To me it looks like they just disappear into the centre of the earth. Swallowed up by mother nature. I can't wait to be standing on the edge of them. Hearing the roar of the water as it rushes by, smelling the freshness of the water and feeling the mist spraying in the face. I just have to decide if I want to go in the summer or winter. I think I would enjoy in more in the winter seeing the surrounding land covered by snow.

Jour deux

Well today I found my sister's liquor stash. I must say I am quit impressed with it. It is very extensive and diverse. This has got to be bachelorette living at it's best. She makes me seem so lame and boring. Forget going to the liquor store from now on I'm just hitting up my sister when I want a drink. So the plan for today is to grab a few beers and head down to Jericho beach for the day. It's a little cloudy right now but I'm sure it will clear up. I made Jell-o before bed so my breakfast this morning was watermelon Jell-o and a glass of milk. It was surprisingly more filling than I had expected. I am for sure going to grab some fish and chips at the beach today.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 1

So I am house sitting for my sister for the next ten days. I opened up her cabinets to see what food she has left me and all I could find was this. Two boxes of Kraft Dinner a can of crab meat two cans of Chef Boyardee four cheese ravioli a box of watermelon Jell-o and one can of Campbell's low fat cream of mushroom soup. I was hoping the fridge would be better stocked but all I have to work with in there is 2 litres of milk a jar of pickles and a couple of carrots. This is defiantly going to test my culinary skills but I am up for the challenge. My mind is already working on different ideas for what to make. If I take the noodles from the mac & cheese mix it with the mushroom soup add the crab meat and use the cheese sauce I have a crab casserole. Well it sounds yummy in my head but I am sure I will figure it all out. I'm starting to think that I might go home a few pounds lighter. If things get too bad she does have a tube of Vegemite I could eat but I think I rather starve to death than eat that.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Nothing runs like a Deere

Not many people know this about me but I have a love for John Deere. Call it the redneck in me if you want but ever since I can remember I have been in love with tractors and lawn mowers. I know I get it from my dad who spends his days fixing them. He comes home and tells me all about the latest toys he gets to work on and I stand there wide eyed soaking in every word. I will never forget going to his work as a little boy and him letting me sit in all the machines. I thought my dad had the coolest job in the world and I still think he does. I know a lot about lawn mowers. All the different makes and models, but nothing gets me more excited than a John Deere. I can't really pin point why, maybe it's the green and yellow, maybe it's something subconscious or maybe it's all the hats my dad has brought home for me. But what ever it is it is in me for ever. Some people dream about cars some about trucks but I dream about John Deere tractors. If I ever won the lottery the first thing I would buy myself is the biggest John Deere they make. I would give up my car and drive that baby everywhere I go. I would go around cutting peoples lawns just to play with my toy and I would be the happiest kid in the world.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A picture is worth a thousand words

A picture is nothing more than a moment frozen in time. Something that people will look at or the rest of time and wonder about. This is a picture of the space shuttle Atlantis re-entering the earths atmosphere. It has quickly become one of my favourite pictures. It almost looks unreal to me in a sense. It is just a streak shooting across the picture with the earth underneath and the vast universe above. Just think for a minute about everything that is frozen in this frame. A tiny ship firing its boosters to make its final journey home. I wonder what those astronauts are thinking at this exact moment. Are they caught up in the task at hand or are they thinking about the history they are making. Is there fear running through their heads or anticipation to get home to their loved ones. Then you look down to the earth below and wonder what the billions of people below are doing. Are they even aware of what is going on above their heads. How many of them are looking up as they look down. Now I wonder what I was doing. Was I tucked safely in my bed or was I out enjoying the summer. All these questions that I will never get answers to but make this picture that more intriguing.