Thursday, February 17, 2011


You have been there since day one. Watching over me and protecting me. Giving me guidance and wisdom when I needed. Setting an example for me and showing me how it's done. I know it hasn't always been easy. Saying I am a handful would be an understatement, but never have you ever made me feel that way. You have always been there for me. Through thick and thin, good and bad. My guardian angel but also my partner in crime. We have gotten up too a lot of things over the years and slowly we have turned our parents hair grey. But it has been a blast. I don't regret a single moment and I cherish every memory I have with you.

You have made many sacrifices for me over the years. Some I will always remember, some I have forgotten and some I will never know about. They are all greatly appreciated. Without them and without you I wouldn't be the person I am today.

I know having a baby brother wasn't always the greatest. All the times you wanted to go out with your friends but were stuck babysitting me. The toys of yours I have wreck, the fish I have killed. The times I laughed when you were crying. The days I wouldn't leave you alone. Following you around everywhere you went. Asking you a million stupid questions. How you put up with me I will never know. Or how you had the will power not to bury me in the backyard.

 All the trouble the two of us have gotten into over the years. All the fights we have had. Some real and some just pretend. The countless times we have embarrassed our parents. Easter egg hunts! The destruction we have caused, the scars we have traded. I wear my scars from you with pride and I love to show them off.  You are the greatest big sister a brother could ask for. The parties at your house when I was just a boy. Teaching me how to  beat a hangover. The driving lessons at SFU when I was 13.

You have always been my biggest support and my best friend. You are my role model and I look up to you. You keep me on track and I thank you for everything you do for me.
I love you so much!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

All systems go

I have been listening to the Apollo 13 sound track over and over again the last week. I find myself re-living the lunch over and over again. But with me at the helm of this majestic and mighty ship. A ship that was doomed from the start. The mission was dubbed  "a successful failure." I can see the parallels between my life and the mission. As I stare at this picture and once again listen to the music i can't help but picture myself getting away. Leaving this earth and traveling through space. Creating my own mission. Maybe my mission will fail and my destination will never be reached but that is not important. The adventure itself is what will matter. The things I will see and experience that so few will ever get the chance to. The adversity I will have to en dour and overcome. It will be worth it to walk on surfaces undisturbed by humans. To see more stars then the mind can comprehend. To feel the weightlessness of no gravity. To leave all the problems of this world behind and just be free.

It's amazing what we can accomplish. To send ourselves into space. To orbit the moon and eventually walk on it. And when the worst happens we find away to solve the impossible problem. How can a handful of people get a crippled and dying ship safely home from space? It just shows what humans are truly capable of when we all work together. Impossible is nothing! So why can't we put all that hard work together to solve the problems here on earth? Why do millions of people have to starve? Why do some people have to live in mud huts and others live in giant mansions? We have the know how and the ability to make it so everyone can live in safe houses and never have empty stomachs. Why does man only come together and do our best when things go wrong? Why are we so stupid that we can't learn from our mistakes? It's time for us to work together and make earth a better place for all of us not just a handful. We need to stop taking and start giving.

So maybe one day I will get to go on my mission and maybe one day every human will live as equals.