Sunday, June 12, 2011


There is my ship again. Docked with the space station. Oh how I wish I was up there right now. Looking down at the world as I make one last pit stop before I take off and fly away. Escaping from here and leaving with a fresh start, a clean slate. My first stop would be the moon, it's only three days away but with the way I fly I'm sure I could make it in two. Then from there who knows where I would go. I  would just pick a direction and go. It doesn't really matter if I ever end up anywhere just as long as I get away. I better be able to blog from space because I am getting addicted to this and want to share my adventures with the world. Maybe even the universe. I can switch my world map on the stats page into a map of the universe and start collecting different worlds. Yea that sounds cool to me. So universe get ready cause here I come on my great escape.

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