Sunday, July 29, 2012

Δt = Λ − α = M + λp − α

They say time is a valuable thing. But really what is time? Time is just some numbers on a clock. It's just some mathematical equation that someone came up with because they decided we needed a way to measure the day. Time is something that we have learned to manipulate to suit our needs. Time is based of the earth's orbit of our sun. So does time only exist on earth? If you ask ten people on the street what time it is you will probably get ten different answers. We all use the same clock but we all use it differently. An hour is sixty minutes and a minute is sixty seconds but how long is a second? We all interpret time differently and time changes depending on our situation. So what does time mean to you?

Friday, July 27, 2012


House sitting for my sister gives me a lot of time alone. For most people this would be too depressing but I thrive when I am alone. I don't like people.Yes there are people that I love and care about more than anything, but the rest of the human race I could care less about. I don't like being around people, I don't like being in crowds and I can't stand socializing with them. People are just stupid and annoying and generally useless to me. I just want to live in the North Pole or in Antarctica. Far away from anyone in a place where I know people won't come bother me. The cold barren landscape of the arctic is where I belong. I can live amongst the polar bears and penguins. I don't need to feel the warmth of the sun on my face. The bitter cold biting at my fingers and toes is just fine with me. I will be just fine being alone with my thoughts away from the troubles of people.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Turtles, turtles, turtles

I just want to protect all the turtles in the world. I want to go to the beaches that they are born on and carry them all to the water protecting them from all the bad crabs and birds that are trying to eat them. Then I would swim with them in the ocean and protect them until they grew up to be big and strong. I want to stop all the fisherman who catch them with their nets and hooks leaving them to drown helplessly. I want to sink all the ships that dump oil in the ocean killing my precious turtles and clean up all the garbage floating around that they choke on. Yes I am a little obsessed with turtles but how can you not love something that has a life span of over 100 years and that has lived for millions and millions. They are just the coolest things alive and I want a pet turtle so badly.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Week 1

So week one at my new job is in the books. It is hard to describe how I am feeling about this place so I will just go with I am happy. Of course the week had its moments where things didn't go smoothly. It had been so long since I have had to start all over again at a new job. I am a creature of habit and even if I am not happy in that habit I stick with it because I know it is safe. Cobs was safe I knew what I was doing and I was good at it. I was far from being happy there but as long as I had a routine I wasn't about to make a change. But now that the change has come I can look back and say I am glad it happened. I was slowly withering away in an environment that sucks everything out of you. Yes Cobs is an awful company to work for but they did teach me a lot and gave me the opportunity to hone my abilities. So let me clear the air right here. No I did not have anything to do with the fire but I am not sorry it happened.  Karma can be a cruel thing but karma never lies.

Back to my new job. I never thought in a million years I would get this job, nor did I even know if I wanted it. As I sat in my interview I just got the feeling like I wasn't what they were looking for. That made me relax and let me to be myself. I wasn't trying to impress anyone or convince them that I was the right person for the job. Instead I was a little cocky and arrogant and just honest. I answered their questions with no fear of giving the wrong answer. I gave them who I was and not what I was capable of and I believe that in the end that's what won them over.

Of course going into my first day I was nervous. How can you not be when everything you know is gone and you have to start all over. I know I was trying too hard at times. I would blow up every little mistake into catastrophic proportions in my mind. But slowly I started to find my confidence and things began to get easier. Before I knew it my first week was over and now I am ready for week two.

The reason why I am so happy here is because I feel like I belong. Like I have been welcomed into the family and for the first time in a long time I feel like I am wanted.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


I'm tired of always being the good guy. All it ever gets you is footprints on your back from everybody walking all over you.

Monday, July 9, 2012


Oh the life of a cat. How wonderful it must be to have no cares in the world. To sit with your gut hanging out or spend most of the day sleeping. If only I could live like a cat. I could sleep all day and go out all night. Not have to work or have any cares in the world. When I wanted something all I would have to do is look cute and when I was in trouble just cuddle up to the person who was mad. That would be the life but unfortunately humans live by different rules. We like to say we are the smartest and most dominate species on earth but when you think about it maybe our feline friends have the upper hand on us.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Day at the beach

A great day at the beach with my little buddy. I cherish the time we spend together. We can just let loose and be "boys." Play in the mud, throw rocks, burp and just get dirty. And today was another fun day with you. Watching you play at the beach surrounded by so many other kids just makes me realize how much cooler you are than them. Sure there are challenges with you. Not being able to talk poses obstacles but nothing we can't overcome. You have your own way of communicating and every time I am with you I slowly understand more and more. I know when you are saying no or saying yes, when you want me to get you more rocks or berries or when you are hungry. I know when you kiss me it is your way of saying thank you and most importantly I know when you are happy. That smile of yours is priceless and melts my heart. When you laugh I can't help but laugh with you.

You have stolen my heart and become my McNugget buddy. I just want to spend all day watching you sort your candies, listen to you talk to me in the car and seeing you giggle when you see your reflection in your iPad. My car is a total mess because of you but I don't mind. Saying goodbye to you sucks but I know when I see you again we will have another good time. I hope if I ever have a son he turns out to be like you.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

30 hour day

24 hours just isn't enough time in a day to accomplish everything. Really when you think about it you are always running out of time to finish everything you have to do. And everyone has said to themselves I wish there were more hours in a day.

Well I am inventing the 30 hour day to solve every ones problem. 30 hours are better than 24 hours. Sir Sandford Fleming invented cosmic time or better known as the 24 hour clock in 1879 and sure that worked great for 130 years or so but in our evolving world we need an evolved standard of time. 

Why are 30 hours better than 24 hours? Well that is easy. 30 hours means more time to make money, more time to get sleep and more time to drink beer! Who wouldn't want that? You will have more time to spend with your family, more time to party with your friends and more time to recover before you have to go to work again. If you are still not convinced let me break it down a little more. 30 hour days would mean a year would only be 292 days long. That means Christmas comes faster your birthday comes sooner which in turn would make you live longer. And every one these days is trying to live longer. Think about this, with a 30 hour day and 292 day year when you are 50 you will only look 40. 

Now I am sure there are some of you out there that say this won't work because days and years are based on the the rotation of the earth and its orbit around the sun. But how are we suppose to really know that it takes the earth 24 hours to rotate its axis. The Egyptians are the ones who are credited with discovering this but how can we be sure that they got it right. I bet the Pharaohs wish they had 30 hour days so they could have ruled their kingdoms a little longer. 

If you are worried about confusion from transferring from one system to another don't be. The world went from the imperial system to the metric system and that has turned out just fine. So from now on we should cease using cosmic time and start using James Shaw time. You will all thank me later when you award me the Nobel Prize and then the Queen will knight me and you can all call me Sir. But if you are really against my new 30 hour day you can always just move to America because they will never adopt it. They just always have to do their own thing even if it doesn't make any sense.

Monday, July 2, 2012


As I lay in bed I hear the rain falling outside my window and an instant calm comes over me. There is something about the sound of rain that is soothing. I get my best sleep on nights like tonight when the pitter patter of rain drops ring through my ears. Rain is just one of those things that brings comfort to me. The sound and smell bring a sense of freshness. It washes away the dirt and mud of the day and let's you start fresh and clean when you wake up. Living in Vancouver we get our fair share of rain and we all complain at one point or another. But I have come to realize how lucky we are to have rain. Rain sustains life and gives us the abundant and beautiful landscape that we all love and enjoy. Tonight I have found a new apreciation for rain. Tomorrow is a new day and I will start it clean and refreshed.