Saturday, July 7, 2012

Day at the beach

A great day at the beach with my little buddy. I cherish the time we spend together. We can just let loose and be "boys." Play in the mud, throw rocks, burp and just get dirty. And today was another fun day with you. Watching you play at the beach surrounded by so many other kids just makes me realize how much cooler you are than them. Sure there are challenges with you. Not being able to talk poses obstacles but nothing we can't overcome. You have your own way of communicating and every time I am with you I slowly understand more and more. I know when you are saying no or saying yes, when you want me to get you more rocks or berries or when you are hungry. I know when you kiss me it is your way of saying thank you and most importantly I know when you are happy. That smile of yours is priceless and melts my heart. When you laugh I can't help but laugh with you.

You have stolen my heart and become my McNugget buddy. I just want to spend all day watching you sort your candies, listen to you talk to me in the car and seeing you giggle when you see your reflection in your iPad. My car is a total mess because of you but I don't mind. Saying goodbye to you sucks but I know when I see you again we will have another good time. I hope if I ever have a son he turns out to be like you.

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