Sunday, July 22, 2012

Week 1

So week one at my new job is in the books. It is hard to describe how I am feeling about this place so I will just go with I am happy. Of course the week had its moments where things didn't go smoothly. It had been so long since I have had to start all over again at a new job. I am a creature of habit and even if I am not happy in that habit I stick with it because I know it is safe. Cobs was safe I knew what I was doing and I was good at it. I was far from being happy there but as long as I had a routine I wasn't about to make a change. But now that the change has come I can look back and say I am glad it happened. I was slowly withering away in an environment that sucks everything out of you. Yes Cobs is an awful company to work for but they did teach me a lot and gave me the opportunity to hone my abilities. So let me clear the air right here. No I did not have anything to do with the fire but I am not sorry it happened.  Karma can be a cruel thing but karma never lies.

Back to my new job. I never thought in a million years I would get this job, nor did I even know if I wanted it. As I sat in my interview I just got the feeling like I wasn't what they were looking for. That made me relax and let me to be myself. I wasn't trying to impress anyone or convince them that I was the right person for the job. Instead I was a little cocky and arrogant and just honest. I answered their questions with no fear of giving the wrong answer. I gave them who I was and not what I was capable of and I believe that in the end that's what won them over.

Of course going into my first day I was nervous. How can you not be when everything you know is gone and you have to start all over. I know I was trying too hard at times. I would blow up every little mistake into catastrophic proportions in my mind. But slowly I started to find my confidence and things began to get easier. Before I knew it my first week was over and now I am ready for week two.

The reason why I am so happy here is because I feel like I belong. Like I have been welcomed into the family and for the first time in a long time I feel like I am wanted.

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