Tuesday, July 3, 2012

30 hour day

24 hours just isn't enough time in a day to accomplish everything. Really when you think about it you are always running out of time to finish everything you have to do. And everyone has said to themselves I wish there were more hours in a day.

Well I am inventing the 30 hour day to solve every ones problem. 30 hours are better than 24 hours. Sir Sandford Fleming invented cosmic time or better known as the 24 hour clock in 1879 and sure that worked great for 130 years or so but in our evolving world we need an evolved standard of time. 

Why are 30 hours better than 24 hours? Well that is easy. 30 hours means more time to make money, more time to get sleep and more time to drink beer! Who wouldn't want that? You will have more time to spend with your family, more time to party with your friends and more time to recover before you have to go to work again. If you are still not convinced let me break it down a little more. 30 hour days would mean a year would only be 292 days long. That means Christmas comes faster your birthday comes sooner which in turn would make you live longer. And every one these days is trying to live longer. Think about this, with a 30 hour day and 292 day year when you are 50 you will only look 40. 

Now I am sure there are some of you out there that say this won't work because days and years are based on the the rotation of the earth and its orbit around the sun. But how are we suppose to really know that it takes the earth 24 hours to rotate its axis. The Egyptians are the ones who are credited with discovering this but how can we be sure that they got it right. I bet the Pharaohs wish they had 30 hour days so they could have ruled their kingdoms a little longer. 

If you are worried about confusion from transferring from one system to another don't be. The world went from the imperial system to the metric system and that has turned out just fine. So from now on we should cease using cosmic time and start using James Shaw time. You will all thank me later when you award me the Nobel Prize and then the Queen will knight me and you can all call me Sir. But if you are really against my new 30 hour day you can always just move to America because they will never adopt it. They just always have to do their own thing even if it doesn't make any sense.

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