Saturday, July 2, 2011

C Note

What a long day it's been. I had a baker phone in sick so work was crazy this morning. But I survived a grueling day at work and headed to Jericho Beach. It was such a nice day today and I decided to take the scenic drive along the water front. Looking up at the north shore mountains across the inlet was picture perfect. It has taken awhile for summer to reach us hear on the west coast but when it does you really see the beauty of Vancouver. So I spent the afternoon downing Jello shots and relaxing on the beach. I fell asleep for a bit and somehow woke up without a sun burn. It must be my lucky day but now I am kicking myself for not buying a lottery ticket.

Next it was off to Cactus Club for an extremely over priced dinner. It was good but not enough food to fill the belly of a big boy like me. After dinner I went to the theatre to watch Transformers Dark Of The Moon. I watched it in the new AVX 3D theatre which only added to the experience. The movie was great. The action was incredible and seeing it in 3D is a must. The only thing missing from the movie is Megan Fox. Micheal Bay you are an idiot for not keeping her. The new chick had a nice ass but Megan Fox she is not.

The day's not over yet. I think it's time for a McDonalds run for a McRib and a Coke. Oh and defiantly an ice cream cone to finish it all off.

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