Friday, May 13, 2011


I have always loved turtles. I don't know what it is about them that I am drawn to but there is just something about them. I love how they glide through the water or when they poke their heads out of the water for air blowing tiny bubbles as they do. I have always wanted a pet turtle. I used to try and catch them when I was a kid. There is a pond not to far from my house and on warm sunny days they all line up on the edge of the pond to sunbathe. I used to try to sneak up on them and grab them but they are surprisingly faster than you would think. They would always manage to slip back into the water before I could get my hands on them.

Isn't this guy just the cutest thing you have ever seen? I have named him Johnny, I don't know why but he just looks like a Johnny to me. I just want to hold him and tickle his belly. If he doesn't make you want a turtle then I don't know what will. He is just so small and cute. I would take him everywhere with me. I could get him a tiny aquarium to live in and he would chill out with me in the bathtub when I took baths. We would be best friends for sure.

Maybe one day I will get my turtle but for now I will just have to go visit them at the aquarium.

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