Monday, May 23, 2011


There is nothing like a long drive heading to uncertainty. I didn't know what to expect when I got down there, was it going to be good or was it going to be bad? Was I even ready for what was going to happen? I think every thought, every scenario raced through my head during that drive. I know at times I was scared, at times I was mad and at times I felt a sense of relief, finally I was going to get some answers. I would have gone crazy if I had to do that drive alone but I am glad I had a good buddy with me. He was able to keep me distracted for the most part. Driving down in a 2011 Dodge Challenger wasn't bad either. It guzzles gas like you wouldn't believe but the raw power that it gives you at the tip of your foot is nothing more than pure enjoyment.
It was such a perfect day.  The sun was out but it wasn't too hot. There was a nice cool breeze coming off of the ocean. Seattle reminds me so much of Vancouver. The two cities have so much alike, but still keep their very own identities. Seattle is such a beautiful city and I always feel like I am at home when I am there. It was the moment of truth as I walked in to see the doctor. I have done it a thousand times before but this time felt different. I felt a calm come over my body and I was completely relaxed. Ready for what he was about to say.

Seattle was in such a good mood. The sun was shining and people were out enjoying it. They were all friendly and in a great mood. I ran into so many Canucks fans while I was there and since they had a big win earlier we all greeted one another with hi fives. The WWE was in town for their monthly pay per view and going to it was a great ending to the day. Sitting in the stands made me feel like a kid again. It was just what I needed.

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