Sunday, October 21, 2012

I'm Back

Wow it's been awhile since I have blogged. A lot has happened since my last post. New jobs, new friends and a trip to Iowa. Yes that's right I said Iowa that wasn't a typo. Why Iowa you may ask. Well it is simple my sister and I have friends who live there and have wanted to go visit them for six years now. We finally just said lets go so we booked our tickets and went. Leading up to this trip I wasn't excited at all. I think I had just too much going on around me for me to focus on this trip. I honestly didn't know what to expect. Most people go away to big cities like London or New York or going to tropical paradises. But here I was going to Des Monies Iowa. Before I went I couldn't tell you where the hell that was on a map and truthfully I still can't. So lets just say it is around the middle of nowhere USA. The trip getting there wasn't the smoothest. Our second flight out of Denver was very bumpy. We hit turbulence right after take off and let me tell you when you are still ascending and all of a sudden you fall a few hundred feet it is a very freaky thing. But I did get to experience weightlessness for a couple of seconds. Iowa is a pretty place and we went right when the leave had just turned colour which made everything that much more prettier. The weather was perfect sunny but cool which for me means t-shirt, shorts and Crocs weather. The whole trip was an adventure. Somewhere new and exciting for me to explore. Yes it was a huge culture shock for me but mid west America is someplace you have to experience. I could even see myself living in Iowa on a big piece of land far enough away from the city that I would be secluded but still close enough that I could have the big city experience when I wanted. I would grow corn and pumpkins and have lots of pigs. I would drive my John Deere equipment all day long and be very happy. I would play in the snow in the winter and chase tornados in the summer then lay in the field at night and watch the fireflies.  Iowa I will be back!

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