Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Forever a Canuck

We are all Canucks! You can never know what that means unless you are a die hard Canucks fan. We are a different breed, cut from a different cloth. We reflect the city and culture we live in. Yes we are quick to jump on the band waggon when things are great and even quicker to jump off of it when things go wrong. We yell Lou instead of boo, we make stupid parody songs as our anthems. We started towel power and will wave them until our arms fall off.  We have suffered through the ugliest uniforms. We have been so close to victory but have felt heartache too many times. We have gotten our hopes up so many times for great teams to only see our dreams dashed.

For the last two years we have watch as the Blackhawks have had our number. They taunted us, beat us up and humiliated us. We could do nothing to stop them. We watched as they hoisted the cup last year all knowing that it could have been us. This year was round three. They say the third time is a charm. We bullied them the first three games then decided to take a nap. It all came down to a game seven. Sixty minutes wasn't enough so fittingly it went to overtime. But this year was different. We finally beat our arch ermines and removed the thorn from our side. We proved that we are the better team. This year it's our time to raise the cup.

Off to round two. Lets go blue.

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