Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bishop Rock

There it sits. 167 feet above sea level. On the worlds smallest island in the middle the chaotic Atlantic ocean. So remote that you can only access it via helicopter. I wish I had found out about this place earlier. I would have put it on my to do list for sure. How I would love to stand atop of this mighty lighthouse and look out to see nothing but the vast ocean. From here it must look limitless. A sea of blue that stretches for miles in every direction. I know as I stood there I would feel a rush of fear come over my body. My fear of heights would for sure kick in. But I would also be over taken by a sense of loneliness. Being stuck on a tiny island miles away from civilization must be scary. But I would also be struck by the beauty of my surroundings. Be calmed by the peacefulness of the ocean and soothed by the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks below.

 Imagine everything that this lighthouse has seen. It has stood there since 1858. 153 years and two world wars. It has seen mighty storms that have slammed giant waves and powerful winds at it. But this granite giant has survived them all. It stands high above the ocean guiding ships as the journey through the treacherous waters of the Atlantic. But not all have made it safely. It has watched helplessly as 42 ships have not heeded his warnings, crashing and sinking to the ocean floor. I wonder how many men and women fighting to stay afloat have looked up to see his powerful light as they took their final breathes.

Only a lucky few have had the privilege to stand atop of this wonder.  I hope to one day add my name to that list.

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