Saturday, December 25, 2010

Thank You!

I want to thank you for becoming such a good friend. I honestly don't know why you have stuck around. I know I don't deserve your friendship. I know there have been times when I said too much or did too much. Went to far and pushed the limits to much. I am really sorry. I took you for granted. I gained your trust and then used it to hurt you. I feel like shit for doing it. I hope in the end you can forgive me for it. You have been the one who I have come to for that listening ear. You have put up with my bitching and complaining. Sometimes just about small stupid stuff, but you have never told me to shut up or stop whining. You always just listen to what ever I have to say. Consider yourself lucky that you only see me once a week. But I look forward to that one day with you. In a way you bring me hope.  You have given me such great advice. You have sided with me when I was right and scolded me when I was wrong. But most importantly you have always given me the truth. I have never ask how you are doing or if this is too much for you. I kind of just threw this all upon you and never asked if it was okay. Just tell me to stop if it becomes to much. Things are going to get a lot tougher and it is good to know that you will always be there to take the plastic bag of my head.